Saturday, November 24, 2012

Choosing an eBook Publishing Package

Having an eBook is all well and good, but without eBook publishing no one will ever see it. You will need to make sure that you have a good publishing strategy to make sure your eBook is successful. While self publishing is certainly an option, it is a time-consuming and complicated process. It is better for most people to hire someone to publish the eBook for you.

There are a lot of publishing services out there, and choosing the right one can be difficult. One of the ways to narrow down your search is to look for the best publishing package. In addition to finding the best price, you also want to make sure that you are getting all the services that you need in order for your eBook to be successful.

The first thing to look for in a publishing package is what formats are included in the package. For a truly successful eBook, you will want to publish in Kindle, Nook, and online formats. The more formats that are included in the package, the better off you will be.

The next thing to look for in a package is layout and eBook cover. These should be included in the cost of publishing. You will want to make sure that our book has a professional and eye-catching cover. The layout should also include professional layout for the pages of your eBook so that it looks and reads like a regular book.

You will also want to look at distribution and registrations. You need your book to be published and registered with all the major distribution sites, including Amazon and Sony. Having a presence on Xlibris is also important. All of this should be included in your publishing package as well. There are over two thousand online retailers for eBooks, and the more places your book is listed the more successful it will be.

It is also important to look at the turnaround time for publishing your eBook. Many publishing services have turnaround times of months. However, the best services can get your book published in fifteen to sixty days, depending on the distribution methods you choose and the turnaround times offered by the sites where the book will be registered. The most basic packages should be complete within fifteen days, while the most complex packages will take closer to two months. However, a turnaround time of any more than two months is really unnecessary.

Finally, you want to look at the professionalism and experience of the service. The more that service does for you the better, so that you don't have to have any worries about the publishing of your book. Everything should be included, so that all you have to do is present your completed eBook to the publisher, and they do the rest. All steps should be approved by you before moving on to the next step, so that you know the layout and cover are appropriate. In the end, eBook publishing should be fairly painless if you find the right service and package.

How To Sell Plenty Of eBooks

There is a successful procedure for getting good sales on your e-book.

1. Research your topic thoroughly. Really, you can sell almost anything if enough people want what you are selling, so do some digging around on websites like to find out what people want the answers to. There are of course other sites to look at, even your favourite search engine should throw up some suggestions merely by typing in "How do I", and Google Trends will also show you what is hot at the moment.

2. Learn some basic copywriting. This is important because you have to be able to write a good sales page in order to bring attention to your product. Have a look at several sales pages, and start a swipe file of phrases which you think are particularly persuasive. After all, this is no different from what lots of copywriters are doing anyway. Remember to stress the benefits of your product, rather than the product itself. Your headline should stress the biggest benefit, the biggest promise, or the best value for money, either one of those will do for a compelling headline.

3. Make your e-book different from everyone else's. A common failing of newcomers to the Internet is to buy some MRR and PLR products and put them back up for sale without changing anything. This is crazy, as you are competing with thousands of other people, all selling exactly the same thing as you. You have to find some way of bringing something different or unique in your product. You will find that uniqueness is what sets you apart from all the rest. It stands to reason that if a product is merely duplicated all over the web, its value will be very low. For instance, you can go to a site like Tradebit, and look at all the E books which are for sale there. A lot of them have just been bought and immediately relisted at a lower price. This happens over and over again until you get to a ridiculously low price, something like 50 cents. So if you can make even one thing unique about your product, even at you just change the graphics, you will have a lot more sales. Try to make your product different and look as if it is good value. Remember everything that can be said about a topic has probably already been said, so don't let the thought of having to create something completely unique deter you.

4. Create bonuses that have high perceived value. Believe it or not, some people will buy a product just to get the bonuses. Just make sure that you check the rights to your bonus to make sure that you are allowed to give it away.

5. Only when you have done all the preceding four steps should you even begin to write the e-book. Lots of times your sales page will dictate what your e-book will do and how it should be set out. You can either write the book yourself, rewrite a PLR product so that it is at least 50% different from the original, or get a ghost writer to write it for you.

Follow these procedures and you should start to see far more sales then you have been used to up till now.

How To Make An Ebook

With technology moving almost as fast as the speed of light, the ways in which we used to get our information is shifting and changing. Because we are spending an increasing amount of time on the internet, we get most of our news and information electronically, whether it's through emails, articles, websites; This is what makes the e-book so interesting and effective. E-books are essentially electronic books. They are the new, updated way to read content that isn't printed on paper and bound at the spine. Listed below are the key aspects of how to make a e-book.

Break everything down into smaller tasks.

When authors set down to write a book of any kind, they as a rule don't just sit down and start writing. How ever if they do, they don't get very far before having to stop and map out exactly what they want to say, how they want to say it and how it will come across. This is especially vital for books that are informational or product driven. Constructing an outline of specific topics that need to be covered is a great way to prevent yourself from becoming overwhelmed by too much information or the size of the e-book.

Figure out your Ebook's title.

Don't accept the first thing that comes to mind and deem it as your title. It's best to take a period of 20-30 minutes and just brainstorm on different titles. Write them all down, pick the one you like best and revisit the process of brainstorming for more title ideas at a later date. Don't feel like you have to be stuck with a particular title. You are free to change your mind.

Figure out your thesis.

If you went to high school, then you know what a thesis statement is. It is a sentence or two that makes your main objective or point that you will be addressing throughout the text. It is important to have a thesis because it anchors and structures the rest of the text. This is so that everything ultimately makes sense, is linked to a single idea and flows accordingly.

Make sure you know who your target audience is.

This is one of the most important steps on how to make a e-book. Knowing exactly the type of person you are writing to and keeping them in mind while you write is crucial for the effectiveness and the success of your e-book. Whatever subject matter you choose to write about will undoubtedly be geared towards a specific audience. Make sure that you write consciously to them throughout the entirety of the e-book.

These are just some of the things to consider on how to make a e-book. Keep in mind that there are many other things to think about. Things like formatting, fonts, colors, and images. These are all aspects that, if used properly, can really enhance and illustrate certain points you are trying to highlight. Never forget the importance of being clear and concise when you make an e-book.

How to Write An eBook in a Week

Before I give you the steps to writing an eBook in a week, I want to state that there are 3 limitations. If you want to write an eBook in a week, you MUST solve these limitations. If you cannot, your eBook writing time will be prolonged by the extent that you do not address and solve these limitations.

1) You must know what you are going to write about. Meaning that if you are writing about something you don't know anything about, you will have to add research time to your time frame. That means that if it takes you one month to learn what you are going to write, then it will take you one month + 1 week to write your eBook, not just one week.

2) You must be able to type at 20 words per minute, yielding 1200 words per hour.

3) You must be able to write for 10 hours at 1200 words per hour to write a 12,000 word eBook. If you want to write a 24,000 word eBook, you will have to work 20 hours. And if you type at 40 words per minute, and work for 20 hours, then you can write a 48,000 word eBook.

This understanding of your writing speed and time you put in is critical for getting to a certain amount of writing per week. It is kind of like if you are going to drive 500 miles. If you drive 50 miles per hour, you can get there is 10 hours. If you drive 5 miles an hour (like on a bicycle) it will take you 100 hours. It is the same thing with writing. If you type slow, your eBook will take longer. If you type less than 20 words per minute, I suggest taking a typing class. It will pay off in huge multiples in the long run.

So now that we have the limitations out of the way, let's talk about actually writing the book.

The first step is an outline. I suggest writing out 10 - 12 topics that you want to include in your eBook. Then under each topic, write 10 - 12 steps or ideas that you want to teach on for each topic. This will give you a total of 100 - 144 steps or ideas to write about. If you write just 1 page per step, you will have 100 pages. If each page is 250 words, you will have 25,000 words. At 20 words per minute, that is about 22 hours of writing, plain and simple.

It is key that you break this into these small steps. Think about it - once you have your 100 ideas to write about - this gets really easy. Because you can easily write 250 words about any idea, right? Think about this article - one idea, 492 words. Just think about writing 100 articles, 250 words at a time.

Two Incredible Benefits of Writing an Ebook

Writing and publishing ebooks is such a rewarding endeavor that goes far beyond just making money. In this article I'll provide a couple incredible benefits for writing ebooks.

Ebooks can benefit readers in so many ways, especially when the eBook includes instructions on how to do something. To understand this benefit, lets think about the power of knowledge. Imagine the following scenario. A husband and wife have a rebellious teen. They are at their wits end and have no idea what to do. They search online and find an eBook you wrote on how to parent rebellious teens. They immediately purchase this eBook and consume the information. In this ebook, you've laid out specific steps for how to communicate with rebellious teenagers. This couple implements your instruction and witnesses their teen becoming respectful and much less rebellious. This teen becomes an adult, marries, has children and implements this same, timeless training in her home that she received from her parents. Talk about rewarding! To me, this is the greatest benefit of writing ebooks.

Writing ebooks is also very profitable. This benefit is the one we usually think of first. Lets take this benefit to a new level like we did with the first benefit. Imagine if you were searching for a different way to make a living. You currently have a decent paying job, but you dread going in everyday. It's all you can do just to get up every morning five days a week, get dressed and go do something you dislike. One day you're searching online for work from home opportunities and you stumble an eBook on a fantastic home-based business. You immediately purchase the ebook, consume the information and then put the information into action.

After a few months you start generating as much money as you do working 40 hours a week on that job you detest. You finally quit that job, multiply your efforts and after a year working from home, double the income you made the previous year. Now you have extra money to put into a college fund for your son. You can take three or four vacations each year. You can afford health insurance for you and your family, etc. This success started with the decision to purchase an ebook.

These scenarios may seem crazy and even pie in the sky to some who read this article. However, many successful eBook authors have very similar stories. Hopefully, I've given you a picture of how your life and the lives of others can change dramatically with your own eBook business.

Information Marketing

It's now official what a lot of people in Information Marketing have been suspecting this year: the explosion in the sales of eBooks. In fact, they are 3 times higher in the first 6 months of 2012 compared with the same period in 2011. The figures released from Publishers Association puts the figures at £64 million (104 million USD) compared with £24 million (37 million USD). This is an impressive statistic, you might agree with me.

So what is information marketing? In basic terms it is the packaging of knowledge or some creative work such as a story in a digital format: could be a book in a Portable Document Format (PDF) known as an eBook or some other work in a CD or DVD layout. This is the information side of the equation. The marketing side of the equation also falls on the authors lap: this may be a boon or bane for the originator. Information marketing is also known as self-publishing.

There is bit of a revolution happening in publishing at the moment. This self-publishing movement gives the author complete control of how, where and what price to sell his or her work: the greater the marketing effort, the greater the potential financial rewards.

I keep on coming back to the same point: in the current internet revolution which is growing rapidly but still has a long way to go, we all have the potential to sell something, since in this vast global market place you will find a willing buyer. In other words, the world is turning into a huge Multi-Level Marketing (MLM) place where anyone with access to an online computer can be a seller and at the same time a buyer too.

The internet is a great leveller: the purveyer and the consumers of information are engaging in a great exercise in democracy. It is now encouraged and easy to share your experiences and knowledge on the internet; equally, the consumers have the power to either love it or shun it. But the important thing is to get your information out there to as many people as possible. In other words, market your work well.

Producing and marketing digital products can be potentially a very lucrative proposition which has been proven with many successful marketers. So, the fact I am writing about information marketing in this article is to suggest that it can be an excellent source of online income.

There are in my opinion, mainly two types of people who delve in information marketing: so for those people involved with producing ebooks, they are either interested in telling a story well and those who are brilliant marketers. The latter have seen a great need to get out there and distribute the information in digital format and are reaping abundant rewards. A few are good at both, and they tend to end up there at the top of the MLM pile.

Why is there such a great thirst for information in a digital format? In my opinion because of three simple reasons which I will call the three Cs: Convenience, Cost and Completeness. Convenience because digital products are really easy to obtain by download; they are substantially cheaper because they do not normally involve any shipping; and completeness because the information has been put together to solve a particular problem. The third point is also important for this reason: due to the limitations in current search technology, it is not normal to find a solution to a problem you have by looking at a single search result; or perhaps even two or more. It is however, very likely that you will find the solution in an eBook that has been written on that topic. Furthermore, the author has also written about his or her real life experience with the problem you may be having and how it was overcome.

Furthermore, a digital product is never complete: it evolves with the feedback from consumers and developments, just like a piece of software requires regular updates.

Supplemental evidence of the popularity of eBooks is in the eBook reader sales: for instance very recently, Kindle, the ubiquitous eReader from Amazon got sold out-millions of them!

What to write about, how to go about writing it and most importantly how to sell your products, is what you should start thinking about if you wish to succeed in this lucrative market.

How to Create Your Own eBook - Three Steps to Prepare Your Mind

Learning how to create your own eBook really begins with a proper frame of mind.

Whether you have traits of optimism or pessimism, examining your thinking when first starting out is worth doing so that you can properly engage your mindset.

Are you eager to embrace technology?

Since technology continually evolves, learning how to accept that certainty will facilitate your mindset preparation. It will allow you to become further involved.

If you ever had the idea to create your own eBook in the back of your mind, this brief article will hopefully help you bring it to the fore.

When examining a person's reluctance to any new venture, the common denominator happens to be unwarranted fears. Fear of what you don't know, fear of what you could know, and fear of what you can do. Is it the latter fear that is holding you back?

The good news is that it is only fear. You are entitled to every bit of a successful venture as the next deemed successful person.

How can you discern if it is a healthy fear?

Since some fears are healthy and are common, you can discern if it is a healthy fear if it motivates you to learn more about learning something new, in this case, making your own eBook creation.

Although some ventures may not be practical to embark on perhaps because of less than ideal circumstances and timing, creating an eBook does not need to be placed in that category.

An eBook is an electronic book particularly in the form of a PDF (portable document format) which is one of the most popular formats and continues to multiply by leaps and bounds.

I was one of the ones who preferred the tangible book over electronic ones, reluctant to stare at computer screens for a long time. Ironically, there will always be people who have to begin somewhere.

Then the light bulb as they say went off.

For vintage sake, you can't stop everyone else from getting a microwave just because you desire only to use a stove.

Changing your mindset is not so daunting of a task, because it can be accomplished easily.

These are three steps to begin:

Tell yourself you are your own valuable commodity Have confidence in the fact that your interests are your friends Identify any unproductive patterns

STEP ONE: Tell Yourself That You Are Your Own Valuable Commodity

You are your own best resource because no one can rob you of your experiences. What have you learned in your life and have acquired for yourself?

Start the process of churning those valuable nuggets into a format that helps others. Perhaps you can start writing five to ten minutes a day.

STEP TWO: Know that Your Interests are Your Best Friends

This is important because awareness makes a perfect focal point. The ground work is mostly done. Even though you don't have to implement any interest you currently have, it's easier to do when you are familiar with a subject matter. Ironically, even if you feel some of your interests could be your worst enemy, you still can present that truth in an arrangement to help others.

STEP THREE: Identify Unproductive Patters

This is the single most unwarranted attack on a person's mindset. It is too easy to be lured into leisure. Of course, there is nothing wrong with watching television, recreation and relaxing.

It is interesting that the escape in leisure activities can become a silent burden, particularly if there is a consistent regret later because of forgoing something of greater importance.

Do you find that you are often meaning to get things done?

That means terms such as "cold turkey" is really quite cold. Mindset changes do not happen overnight, but they do occur successfully with time.

Hopefully this serves as a motivational start for you. When learning how to create your own eBook, first and foremost, enlighten yourself that this project will be gratifying, and that you are capable of creating brilliant eBooks as well.

What Is An E-Book? - The Industry and the Future

E-books have evolved in their short history to a point where most online surfers have heard of them and understand the different formats. The key to e-books is that they are electronic versions of books and do not require printed versions, but can be available in hard copy form if the publisher chooses. Many self-published writers are finding e-books to be a simple way to express their ideas without the costs and barriers involved with traditional publishing. Amazon has been a leader in the industry with its Kindle reader while Apple has challenged the platform with its iPad, which downloads e-books from the iBookstore.

The main reason for making an e-book can be summed up by efficiency. An e-book doesn't get lost like a physical book and doesn't have the problems of torn pages or a worn cover. From a cost perspective, there is no longer any reason to spend a fortune on cutting down a forest to create thousands of copies of a book without knowing if it will sell. In the old world, books might be out of stock if they did sell, requiring new pressings, whereas in the new world e-books are never out of stock. The emerging model for printing hard copy versions now is based on orders as they come in, such as at Amazon.

Another efficient quality of e-books is they can be updated more easily. Traditional books were printed in a series of pressings, based on demand. But if demand diminished a book might go out of print and become outdated. The original pressing might also have misinformation or typos. E-books, however, allow the writer to always have an updated version ready for online distribution, as errors can be corrected immediately, instead of waiting for the printing process to take months.

Consumers enjoy the advantages of e-books over traditional books thanks to lower pricing. Since it costs less money to make and market an e-book than a printed book, the price drops for consumers. Number of pages can still affect the price, but e-books make it possible to sell more items of the same thing. For example, instead of buying an entire book, some people might just want to purchase one chapter at a reduced price. Other advantages of e-books are they can be converted to different languages and they can be used with text-to-speech software to create audio books for people with disabilities.

Today's e-books are designed for smaller screens than in the past. Dedicated e-book readers have become an extra electronic device people purchase specifically just for reading e-books and online newspapers. The Amazon Kindle has been one of the most popular e-book readers, along with the Barnes & Noble Nook, Kobo and Sony Readers. Tablet computers such the iPad make useful e-book readers due to their portability and controls that make reading easier. These devices can download and store e-books from online stores such as Amazon, Apple's iBookstore, Barnes & Noble, Sony Reader Store and the public library-based OverDrive. Mobile devices such as iPhones and Androids can also read e-books.

Although the e-book market does not have industry formatting standards, the most popular format has been the Adobe PDF files. Web developers tried to construct a system known as Open eBook, a zip file based on XHTML and CSS, that breaks e-books down into components. But the International Digital Publishing Forum (IDPF) has moved closer toward the EPUB format as a standard, allowing the file to be converted to other formats. EPUB can embed metadata, resize text and supports Digital Rights Management.

The popularity of e-books has skyrocketed in the second decade of the 21st century. In May 2011 Amazon reported that its sales of e-books had surpassed sales of hard copy books. A Pew Internet Project survey in 2012 showed that 21 percent of American adults had read an e-book within the past year. It was also found that e-book readership favors people under age 50. A large majority of e-book readers read printed books as well. Nearly half of the respondents said they preferred e-books over printed books.

In 2012 Apple launched iBook Author, which is a software program that allows authors to create e-books in the PDF format on an iPad and directly make products available in the iBooks store and for sharing. Amazon has a platform called CreateSpace for authors to create e-books, which must conform to the site's policies. Lulu also provides the tools for authors to create and market their own self-published e-books.

E-books have proven to be profitable, even for traditional publishers such as Random House. Fifty Shades of Grey by novelist E.L. James was one of the company's big sellers in 2012. Half of the 30 million copies sold were e-books. The company reported that e-book sales made up 27 percent of the total book sales, which was a 7 percent increase from a year earlier.

Free e-books can be found at Amazon by looking at their Top 100 Free list. Many times a publisher will give away a sample of a book as an e-book that promotes the printed paperback or hard copy for sale. Sometimes e-books are just free to expose a new author. Apple also offers free e-books at the iBooks store. Other websites that offer free e-books are, and Open Culture. You can also search for free e-books using the search engine.

The future of e-Books may merge more with multimedia and text to speech capabilities. It remains important that e-books are a clickable medium. They can be linked to websites as well as interlinked so that they provide easy navigation to source material. The most advanced e-books link to instant videos that complement the text. E-books are very useful for people involved with other communication besides writing.

Musicians, painters and movie makers can use e-books to showcase and promote their other media. Ultimately, e-books are quick learning tools that provide instant access to deeper content. If the e-book can speed up someone's search for knowledge to a matter of minutes or even seconds, it has a powerful utility for the reader. Expect e-books of the future to help people cut through technical jargon and learn new systems quickly with visuals and creative ways to index and categorize knowledge.

How to Sell An eBook - You Can Do It

Do you want to work online from home? Learning how to sell an eBook online is a valuable skill that can generate handsome profits or round out the services offered by home-based business owners.

Every day people go online to buy information in the form of an eBook about topics that range from how to do magic tricks and build model airplanes, to how to write a song or pitch a fastball, or how to dance the tango, and more.

How do you sell eBooks online?

The process is not complex but, if you want to succeed, you should know what you are doing. There are two major components to becoming a successful eBook writer and learning how to sell eBooks online: writing and marketing your eBook.

What are eBooks?

Well-written eBooks are similar to paper books in that they deliver the promised information in an easy to read style. In contrast to most paper books, eBooks are pamphlets or shorter books sold online and downloaded from a computer; in other words, they are digital products.

eBooks differ from paper books in that you do not need to have a publisher or agent (or split profits with them) and you do not need to promote them in bookstores because the internet is your marketplace.

Generally,an eBook is written in a word processing program and converted to a PDF file once it is ready for sale. The next step is promoting it with informative articles and the use of social marketing and other options.

You don't have to be a writer to publish and eBook.

It isn't necessary that you have experience as a writer in order to produce an eBook. If you are not a writer and you have a particular skill or information to share on a topic such as how to train a horse, you can hire someone at a very reasonable rate to write you eBook for you.

Write for Others or Yourself.

If you are a writer with information to share, with a little bit of orientation to writing eBooks, you can do well. Even if you don't' have a hobby or interest to share, you can put your research and writing skills to work for others to put real money in your pocket.

If you don't fit any of these categories, there is still an option for you.

We test-drove the services of a company named Niche Profit Classroom. The owners have used their more than ten years of experience in internet marketing to create a comprehensive array of programs covering all aspects of internet marketing.

The eBook Kit:

Relative to eBooks, they offer training in writing eBooks and, on a monthly basis, they release an new eBook kit that can be customized by the user.

The eBook kit contains all of the elements you need to create a website and promote the eBook online: website photos, drafts of articles, keywords, and images. In addition you have access to their keyword and website building software and to support with 24-hour turnaround.

We found this an excellent way for a newbie to learn and a great way for a more seasoned individual to make use of their talent.

Our Review of Niche Profit Classroom:

We spent more than 45 days evaluating this product. We found the programs to be very good and found their clear step-by-step approach to be consistent throughout. We were particularly glad to learn that all recommendations are updated on a regular basis to meet Google's ever-changing standards.

Initially, we experienced a delay in customer support turnaround time, but this was corrected once we brought it to their attention.

They offer a 14-day trial for $1. The trial includes access to every one of their products and programs.


eBooks cost very little to produce and once you have written them the profit is yours to keep.

The information age is still very new. It is pretty much a given that the internet will continue as the most important platform created for information marketing for many years to come.

We give Niche Profit Classroom a strong 'thumbs up' for those looking to learn how to sell and eBook online for profit. Don't let your fear stop you. Learning how to sell eBooks online is an easily learned step-by-step process.

If I Write an Ebook, How Will I Know It Will Sell?

One of the most difficult aspects of eBook writing is knowing whether or not your ebook's niche is a winner or a dud. There are methods for conducting market research that will give you a good idea whether or not an idea is profitable, however none of these methods are completely trustworthy. Today I will provide three steps to help you accurately determine whether or not your eBook will sell.

Step One There are two options in this first step. The first option is the easiest. Simply create a short report based on the eBook you want to create. So, in essence, you're creating a short version of your ebook. Plan to give this report away in order to generate subscribers. The other method is a little more time consuming, but also more accurate. For this method, create your ebook, but don't go all out. Make it a bit shorter than your final eBook would be. Set a low price point of this ebook. Once you decide which option to use, proceed to step two.

Step Two The second step involves creating tightly targeted articles on each of your ebook's topics and uploading them to one very high trafficked article directory. I suggest you write 50 altogether over a ten day period. In your resource box, place an invitation to either signup for your free report or if you created the short ebook, direct readers to your sales letter. You will get a good idea about the profitability of your niche based on the response you get. The next step is to be performed in conjunction with this step for maximum results.

Step Three For this third step, you'll create 10 videos and submit each of them to three highly trafficked video sharing sites. I recommend uploading one video per day (to each site). Use the same instructions I provided for the articles in step two by creating content which is targeted to your niche.

I also recommend that you do some promotion for your articles and videos by posting links from your social network sites to them. This will give you a little more link juice and help you generate more traffic.

The key for doing this technique right is speed. You can't take six months to write the 50 articles and produce the 10 videos. Performance of this content in a specific time frame is important. I recommend this entire process take you no longer than 10 days. After 10 days, you should be getting subscribers or customers if your niche is hot. If you have hardly any response, then you should seriously reconsider writing an eBook in this niche.

This method may sound terribly painstaking to you. However, keep in mind that your efforts wouldn't be wasted. If there's very little response to your article and videos, change the links out and add links to affiliate products. On the other hand, if you get a good response, then you already have a jumpstart on advertising.

How to Choose An Ebook Reader

If you're planning to buy an eBook reader, then it is important that you do your research first. This way, you can be sure that you make the right decision by the time you push through with your purchase. When doing your research, these are the factors that you should consider:

1. Size and weight. One of the main advantages of an eBook reader is its convenience as it allows you to carry your entire library with you without having to deal with a lot of weight and without needing a lot of space. If you want to maximize this advantage, you'll do best with en eBook reader like the Kindle Touch (6.8 x 4.7 x 0.40) or the Nook Simple Touch (6.5 x 5 x 0.47), both of which are very handy with their 6-inch screens. If you don't mind a larger device, only then should you go for larger models such as the Kindle DX or Nook Color, both of which are larger.

2. E-Ink vs. LCD. Many people were concerned at first about the different experience offered by digital reading, but with the advent of paper-like screens like E-Ink, these concerns were put to rest. If you prefer an eBook reader that mimics the experience of reading on paper, go for Kindle Touch, Kindle DX, Nook Simple Touch, Sony Reader Touch, or the Kobo Wireless eReader, all of which use E-Ink technology. If you prefer color screens, then you will enjoy the LCD screens of the Nook Tablet, Nook Color, or Kindle Fire more.

3. Content library. If you are planning to buy books from Amazon or Barnes and Noble, then getting a Kindle or a Nook is definitely the most convenient way of getting into electronic reading. But if you want an eBook reader but are not planning to spend on $9.99 books, as the cost of all your $9.99 books can still add up to a lot over time, then you can also take advantage of the many free ebooks on the market. This means that you have plenty of other ereaders to consider, even those that do not have their dedicated content services such as the BeBook Neo. If you prefer a dedicated content service, you should choose the company that offers the most titles to choose from. Nook currently has 2.5 million books in its collection, while Amazon has only 1.6 million. Sony also has its own library but so far it only has 20,000 ebooks.

4. Memory/storage. If you're an avid reader, then the more internal memory your eBook reader comes with, the better. The Kindle Touch comes with 4GB, which should be enough. The Nook Simple Touch comes with only 2GB, but it does allow you to add removable memory of up to 32GB. But since there are cloud storage services nowadays, then you can settle for less storage minus removable memory so you can save money, then just sign up for a cloud storage service.

5. Battery life. Don't forget to consider the battery life, or how long you can read using the device on a single charge.

By considering all these factors, you'll surely be able to make a wiser decision that you'll be happy with in the long run.

Ebook Marketing Strategy: Best Selling Ebook Topics

What makes an eBook Author Sell? Marketing ebooks.

The answer is in answering the need, which is a truism of all sales. It is very hard to sell a steak to a vegetarian and Eskimos don't need ice.

So what does a reader want? To answer that question is a huge part of the selling solution.

Genre is also a part of the need. Each genre is a target market in itself. As with steaks and ice, it is an up hill battle to sell a love romance to a male.

The good news is there is a huge target market in all genres.

Buyers of books go through a sequential process when buying, which is all driven by not wanting to pay for something they DON'T want. That's why so many readers read by authors. What they are really doing is trying to find another author they TRUST.

Familiarity with an author is the first driver of sales. The dilemma happens when they finally read an author out.

When forced to find a new trusted author, readers take very little notice of personal reviews. What my mother or brother raves about does little for me. We have totally different tastes.

Readers do take notice of new books that are selling in big numbers, working on the assumption that all of the people buying can't be wrong.

Here is how it goes.

After finding out about a new hot author the reader does what the old saying says not to - they judge the book by its cover. To have a poor cover kills book sales.

Next, the prospective book buyer turns to see how many books this author has written. A shelf full of titles builds initial trust; again, everyone can't be wrong.

The fear is that they may spend half a day reading only to be disappointed instead of ENTERTAINED (a reader's need). Yet if they find the entertainment they want then that author will sell them every book on their shelf. What they are really doing is not book buying but buying an author.

Next, readers turn to the synopsis. If this is not well done, goodbye to many book sales. Then we turn to, "about the author", which if not engaging will also kill sales.

Now it is time to read a sample, usually the beginning. How many people looking for a new author spend a lot of time on this step? The motivation again is fear-based as they don't want to waste time and buy something that will not fulfil their NEED - an author they are entertained by.

To address this problem I use a gifted narrator to read 70 pages, free of charge, as a "try before you buy" sales strategy. The advantage of listening to a MP3 is being able to do something else simultaneously. And most buyers purchase well before finishing the audio as they want to read, not "listen", to a book. They know quite soon whether or not they have found the new author they want.

Have you heard of the 10,000 hour or seven year rule? Most authors need that amount of time to make it. Many write a million words before being published. (My web site has less than half that.)

Another observation I have made is that best-selling authors have vast life experience. They are able to draw from this internal well, which is the best source to produce quality writing.

The wonderful thing about the shift to ebooks is that an eBook is forever, whereas paper books only have a print-run life.

Marketing in the forest of ebooks makes it hard to find your special tree. Ebooks have time on their side and the quote on my book "Dream Bouncing" is only true in an eBook world. "A GREAT NARRATIVE WILL ALWAYS MAKE ROOM FOR ITSELF." Quality work will, in the end, always rise to the top.

A huge advantage to books sold online is that sales will come over time. eBook writers report wild fluctuations in sales numbers. Sales will nearly dry up then months later take off again.

In conclusion, if you want more sales build a bigger shelf of work. If it is within your ability, change genres. A buyer may like your well-published shelf but not like all the kinds of books on it.

How an eBook Makes You an Expert in Your Field

In previous years, it used to be that an aspiring writer hadn't "made it" in the writing/publishing industry until he or she had at least one book published. However, that process takes a long time. The book must first go through an editor, then back to the author for changes if necessary, then back to the editor and then finally to the publisher for approval.

In today's fast-paced and more independent world, it is easier than ever to publish a book. Electronic books, often referred to as "eBooks", are more popular than ever. With the recent release of the iPad, kindle, and other tablet-like electronic devices, people can take their reading materials with them wherever they go. Instead of carrying around six books in their suitcase or purse, their tablet electronic device can store and pull up their favorite books electronically. The recent release of these tablet electronic devices has also caused an increase in the popularity of reading books as a hobby. With just the touch of a finger, people can turn the page in whichever book they are reading electronically. Books are now more portable than ever, as classic novels and everything in between are now being converted into electronic format for easier portability.

So who publishes eBooks?

There are some publishing companies that will still work with authors to copyright their materials, but the honest answer is that anyone can publish an eBook.

Let's examine how an eBook makes you an expert in your field.

Well, most paperback books are at least 150 pages in length each. eBooks are more portable and the standards are a bit less rigid when it comes to electronic media. However, for the eBook to be seen a reputable source of information, and to be used as a possible reference, the amount of page numbers should at least be in the double digits. For those authors who are looking to publish a more reputable and scholarly eBook filled with expert knowledge in their field, they might consider citing sources from research studies, and other scholarly works in their eBook. For example, if a medical doctor decides to write an eBook on the influence of processed foods in our diet that contribute to making us overweight, he should cite his sources where that specific research comes from. Government websites such as the Food and Drug Administration, and scholarly journals like the New England Journal of Medicine are all good places to start conducting and citing research. Typically for someone to publish pages in the double digits on a particular topic, they have at least a few years of experience on the subject to be able to write at length about it. Sometimes publishing companies are also involved in the publishing of the eBook and can speak to the author's credibility.

eBooks are a great tool for any writer or business professional to "get his feet wet" in his chosen field. The majority of college professor's work involves research. In fact, they must regularly publish articles in scholarly journals, so eBooks are a great way for them and others to gain exposure in their field.

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