Saturday, November 24, 2012

Choosing an eBook Publishing Package

Having an eBook is all well and good, but without eBook publishing no one will ever see it. You will need to make sure that you have a good publishing strategy to make sure your eBook is successful. While self publishing is certainly an option, it is a time-consuming and complicated process. It is better for most people to hire someone to publish the eBook for you.

There are a lot of publishing services out there, and choosing the right one can be difficult. One of the ways to narrow down your search is to look for the best publishing package. In addition to finding the best price, you also want to make sure that you are getting all the services that you need in order for your eBook to be successful.

The first thing to look for in a publishing package is what formats are included in the package. For a truly successful eBook, you will want to publish in Kindle, Nook, and online formats. The more formats that are included in the package, the better off you will be.

The next thing to look for in a package is layout and eBook cover. These should be included in the cost of publishing. You will want to make sure that our book has a professional and eye-catching cover. The layout should also include professional layout for the pages of your eBook so that it looks and reads like a regular book.

You will also want to look at distribution and registrations. You need your book to be published and registered with all the major distribution sites, including Amazon and Sony. Having a presence on Xlibris is also important. All of this should be included in your publishing package as well. There are over two thousand online retailers for eBooks, and the more places your book is listed the more successful it will be.

It is also important to look at the turnaround time for publishing your eBook. Many publishing services have turnaround times of months. However, the best services can get your book published in fifteen to sixty days, depending on the distribution methods you choose and the turnaround times offered by the sites where the book will be registered. The most basic packages should be complete within fifteen days, while the most complex packages will take closer to two months. However, a turnaround time of any more than two months is really unnecessary.

Finally, you want to look at the professionalism and experience of the service. The more that service does for you the better, so that you don't have to have any worries about the publishing of your book. Everything should be included, so that all you have to do is present your completed eBook to the publisher, and they do the rest. All steps should be approved by you before moving on to the next step, so that you know the layout and cover are appropriate. In the end, eBook publishing should be fairly painless if you find the right service and package.

How To Sell Plenty Of eBooks

There is a successful procedure for getting good sales on your e-book.

1. Research your topic thoroughly. Really, you can sell almost anything if enough people want what you are selling, so do some digging around on websites like to find out what people want the answers to. There are of course other sites to look at, even your favourite search engine should throw up some suggestions merely by typing in "How do I", and Google Trends will also show you what is hot at the moment.

2. Learn some basic copywriting. This is important because you have to be able to write a good sales page in order to bring attention to your product. Have a look at several sales pages, and start a swipe file of phrases which you think are particularly persuasive. After all, this is no different from what lots of copywriters are doing anyway. Remember to stress the benefits of your product, rather than the product itself. Your headline should stress the biggest benefit, the biggest promise, or the best value for money, either one of those will do for a compelling headline.

3. Make your e-book different from everyone else's. A common failing of newcomers to the Internet is to buy some MRR and PLR products and put them back up for sale without changing anything. This is crazy, as you are competing with thousands of other people, all selling exactly the same thing as you. You have to find some way of bringing something different or unique in your product. You will find that uniqueness is what sets you apart from all the rest. It stands to reason that if a product is merely duplicated all over the web, its value will be very low. For instance, you can go to a site like Tradebit, and look at all the E books which are for sale there. A lot of them have just been bought and immediately relisted at a lower price. This happens over and over again until you get to a ridiculously low price, something like 50 cents. So if you can make even one thing unique about your product, even at you just change the graphics, you will have a lot more sales. Try to make your product different and look as if it is good value. Remember everything that can be said about a topic has probably already been said, so don't let the thought of having to create something completely unique deter you.

4. Create bonuses that have high perceived value. Believe it or not, some people will buy a product just to get the bonuses. Just make sure that you check the rights to your bonus to make sure that you are allowed to give it away.

5. Only when you have done all the preceding four steps should you even begin to write the e-book. Lots of times your sales page will dictate what your e-book will do and how it should be set out. You can either write the book yourself, rewrite a PLR product so that it is at least 50% different from the original, or get a ghost writer to write it for you.

Follow these procedures and you should start to see far more sales then you have been used to up till now.

How To Make An Ebook

With technology moving almost as fast as the speed of light, the ways in which we used to get our information is shifting and changing. Because we are spending an increasing amount of time on the internet, we get most of our news and information electronically, whether it's through emails, articles, websites; This is what makes the e-book so interesting and effective. E-books are essentially electronic books. They are the new, updated way to read content that isn't printed on paper and bound at the spine. Listed below are the key aspects of how to make a e-book.

Break everything down into smaller tasks.

When authors set down to write a book of any kind, they as a rule don't just sit down and start writing. How ever if they do, they don't get very far before having to stop and map out exactly what they want to say, how they want to say it and how it will come across. This is especially vital for books that are informational or product driven. Constructing an outline of specific topics that need to be covered is a great way to prevent yourself from becoming overwhelmed by too much information or the size of the e-book.

Figure out your Ebook's title.

Don't accept the first thing that comes to mind and deem it as your title. It's best to take a period of 20-30 minutes and just brainstorm on different titles. Write them all down, pick the one you like best and revisit the process of brainstorming for more title ideas at a later date. Don't feel like you have to be stuck with a particular title. You are free to change your mind.

Figure out your thesis.

If you went to high school, then you know what a thesis statement is. It is a sentence or two that makes your main objective or point that you will be addressing throughout the text. It is important to have a thesis because it anchors and structures the rest of the text. This is so that everything ultimately makes sense, is linked to a single idea and flows accordingly.

Make sure you know who your target audience is.

This is one of the most important steps on how to make a e-book. Knowing exactly the type of person you are writing to and keeping them in mind while you write is crucial for the effectiveness and the success of your e-book. Whatever subject matter you choose to write about will undoubtedly be geared towards a specific audience. Make sure that you write consciously to them throughout the entirety of the e-book.

These are just some of the things to consider on how to make a e-book. Keep in mind that there are many other things to think about. Things like formatting, fonts, colors, and images. These are all aspects that, if used properly, can really enhance and illustrate certain points you are trying to highlight. Never forget the importance of being clear and concise when you make an e-book.

How to Write An eBook in a Week

Before I give you the steps to writing an eBook in a week, I want to state that there are 3 limitations. If you want to write an eBook in a week, you MUST solve these limitations. If you cannot, your eBook writing time will be prolonged by the extent that you do not address and solve these limitations.

1) You must know what you are going to write about. Meaning that if you are writing about something you don't know anything about, you will have to add research time to your time frame. That means that if it takes you one month to learn what you are going to write, then it will take you one month + 1 week to write your eBook, not just one week.

2) You must be able to type at 20 words per minute, yielding 1200 words per hour.

3) You must be able to write for 10 hours at 1200 words per hour to write a 12,000 word eBook. If you want to write a 24,000 word eBook, you will have to work 20 hours. And if you type at 40 words per minute, and work for 20 hours, then you can write a 48,000 word eBook.

This understanding of your writing speed and time you put in is critical for getting to a certain amount of writing per week. It is kind of like if you are going to drive 500 miles. If you drive 50 miles per hour, you can get there is 10 hours. If you drive 5 miles an hour (like on a bicycle) it will take you 100 hours. It is the same thing with writing. If you type slow, your eBook will take longer. If you type less than 20 words per minute, I suggest taking a typing class. It will pay off in huge multiples in the long run.

So now that we have the limitations out of the way, let's talk about actually writing the book.

The first step is an outline. I suggest writing out 10 - 12 topics that you want to include in your eBook. Then under each topic, write 10 - 12 steps or ideas that you want to teach on for each topic. This will give you a total of 100 - 144 steps or ideas to write about. If you write just 1 page per step, you will have 100 pages. If each page is 250 words, you will have 25,000 words. At 20 words per minute, that is about 22 hours of writing, plain and simple.

It is key that you break this into these small steps. Think about it - once you have your 100 ideas to write about - this gets really easy. Because you can easily write 250 words about any idea, right? Think about this article - one idea, 492 words. Just think about writing 100 articles, 250 words at a time.

Two Incredible Benefits of Writing an Ebook

Writing and publishing ebooks is such a rewarding endeavor that goes far beyond just making money. In this article I'll provide a couple incredible benefits for writing ebooks.

Ebooks can benefit readers in so many ways, especially when the eBook includes instructions on how to do something. To understand this benefit, lets think about the power of knowledge. Imagine the following scenario. A husband and wife have a rebellious teen. They are at their wits end and have no idea what to do. They search online and find an eBook you wrote on how to parent rebellious teens. They immediately purchase this eBook and consume the information. In this ebook, you've laid out specific steps for how to communicate with rebellious teenagers. This couple implements your instruction and witnesses their teen becoming respectful and much less rebellious. This teen becomes an adult, marries, has children and implements this same, timeless training in her home that she received from her parents. Talk about rewarding! To me, this is the greatest benefit of writing ebooks.

Writing ebooks is also very profitable. This benefit is the one we usually think of first. Lets take this benefit to a new level like we did with the first benefit. Imagine if you were searching for a different way to make a living. You currently have a decent paying job, but you dread going in everyday. It's all you can do just to get up every morning five days a week, get dressed and go do something you dislike. One day you're searching online for work from home opportunities and you stumble an eBook on a fantastic home-based business. You immediately purchase the ebook, consume the information and then put the information into action.

After a few months you start generating as much money as you do working 40 hours a week on that job you detest. You finally quit that job, multiply your efforts and after a year working from home, double the income you made the previous year. Now you have extra money to put into a college fund for your son. You can take three or four vacations each year. You can afford health insurance for you and your family, etc. This success started with the decision to purchase an ebook.

These scenarios may seem crazy and even pie in the sky to some who read this article. However, many successful eBook authors have very similar stories. Hopefully, I've given you a picture of how your life and the lives of others can change dramatically with your own eBook business.

Information Marketing

It's now official what a lot of people in Information Marketing have been suspecting this year: the explosion in the sales of eBooks. In fact, they are 3 times higher in the first 6 months of 2012 compared with the same period in 2011. The figures released from Publishers Association puts the figures at £64 million (104 million USD) compared with £24 million (37 million USD). This is an impressive statistic, you might agree with me.

So what is information marketing? In basic terms it is the packaging of knowledge or some creative work such as a story in a digital format: could be a book in a Portable Document Format (PDF) known as an eBook or some other work in a CD or DVD layout. This is the information side of the equation. The marketing side of the equation also falls on the authors lap: this may be a boon or bane for the originator. Information marketing is also known as self-publishing.

There is bit of a revolution happening in publishing at the moment. This self-publishing movement gives the author complete control of how, where and what price to sell his or her work: the greater the marketing effort, the greater the potential financial rewards.

I keep on coming back to the same point: in the current internet revolution which is growing rapidly but still has a long way to go, we all have the potential to sell something, since in this vast global market place you will find a willing buyer. In other words, the world is turning into a huge Multi-Level Marketing (MLM) place where anyone with access to an online computer can be a seller and at the same time a buyer too.

The internet is a great leveller: the purveyer and the consumers of information are engaging in a great exercise in democracy. It is now encouraged and easy to share your experiences and knowledge on the internet; equally, the consumers have the power to either love it or shun it. But the important thing is to get your information out there to as many people as possible. In other words, market your work well.

Producing and marketing digital products can be potentially a very lucrative proposition which has been proven with many successful marketers. So, the fact I am writing about information marketing in this article is to suggest that it can be an excellent source of online income.

There are in my opinion, mainly two types of people who delve in information marketing: so for those people involved with producing ebooks, they are either interested in telling a story well and those who are brilliant marketers. The latter have seen a great need to get out there and distribute the information in digital format and are reaping abundant rewards. A few are good at both, and they tend to end up there at the top of the MLM pile.

Why is there such a great thirst for information in a digital format? In my opinion because of three simple reasons which I will call the three Cs: Convenience, Cost and Completeness. Convenience because digital products are really easy to obtain by download; they are substantially cheaper because they do not normally involve any shipping; and completeness because the information has been put together to solve a particular problem. The third point is also important for this reason: due to the limitations in current search technology, it is not normal to find a solution to a problem you have by looking at a single search result; or perhaps even two or more. It is however, very likely that you will find the solution in an eBook that has been written on that topic. Furthermore, the author has also written about his or her real life experience with the problem you may be having and how it was overcome.

Furthermore, a digital product is never complete: it evolves with the feedback from consumers and developments, just like a piece of software requires regular updates.

Supplemental evidence of the popularity of eBooks is in the eBook reader sales: for instance very recently, Kindle, the ubiquitous eReader from Amazon got sold out-millions of them!

What to write about, how to go about writing it and most importantly how to sell your products, is what you should start thinking about if you wish to succeed in this lucrative market.

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